School Staff Characters

Buzz Lightyear agrees with my post

Buzz Lightyear agrees with this post

Ah school, the good old days, but you don’t think it when you are in there. Where friends were made, laughs were had and schinadigans were carried out. It will always be a fight between the students and the teachers(except the nerds, they don’t count). Teachers will always be seen as the enemy,handing out report slips and just being against fun of any kind. This describes the different types of teachers that you have most likely encountered in your school days.

The Mummy:

This relic of history has seen everything in the school from assassination attempts on the principle to farm animals being unleashed into the school. Despite his vast knowledge on just about everything, all the students know that it is only a matter of time before they go into his class and all they will find is a pile of dust with a pair of glasses on top. He is usually light humored,  given his old age.


The Teenager:

Basically a 50 year old woman who is trapped in a 21 year old sluts body. It’s actually painful to watch some old woman strut around in clothes shorter than my pinky finger…..I mean who wants to see a pair chicken legs with rolled up pieces of doe for knees and breasts that are so saggy that you can clearly see the nipples from just under her skirt. Is she even subtle you ask??? not even in the slightest! I apologize in advance for the imagery, but imagine her sitting on top of a desk in front of you,legs WIDE open, and god only knows what’s between them. As well as that, she is a hopeless teacher and goes through chapters like a light saber through butter.


The Announcement Maker:

This poor soul has fallen through the ranks, starting with secondary school and ending up as the hall monitor but when the principle couldn’t find any other job for him, he just stuck him with making the announcements. His voice each morning was like listening to a dull whale sound. He really amplifies the bore fest that is school….and he is pretty smelly as well, I guess you could say he puts the BO in boring……The intercom is his source of power, and his only friend… doesn’t judge him.

This is how he thinks he looks:


and this is how he actually looks:


The Total Nut:

His nerves are just shot from dealing with students down through the years. He had no control over the pupils…..which I’m sure ye all ready know is incredibly entertaining. The only reason you would work for him is because you feel sorry for the poor guy because he sure as hell couldn’t even inspire an ice cube to melt in the Sahara desert.


The Evil One:

She is a flat out bitch who would give satin himself a run for his money. With a face more sour than a truck full of lemons, you could literally turn to stone if you look at her directly in the eyes. You just can’t escape her workload, and like a lot of other teachers she forgets that you are doing other subjects besides her own as well. She is not for the faint of heart. She terrifies the first years with her wicked ways but by the time you get to sixth year, you couldn’t care less if she gives out to you.


The Slippery Snake:

Oh….this fella, every school I’m sure has one, an absolute king cobra of snakes, they say St. Patrick got rid of all the snakes in Ireland long ago but by Jesus he missed a few. Slithering his way through the corridors where he listens the group conversations, hoping he won’t be noticed until he catches a victim. This man should really be taken out striped of his clothes and beat with sticks until he starts crying……too harsh you say?…..well I think otherwise.


The Hot Chick:

I know what you’re doing, you know what you’re doing, everybody in the school knows what you’re doing……lets not talk about it 😉


The Legend:

Everybody needs a teacher that they can confide in, it’s a law like gravity, There must be at least one nice cool teacher around. He’s coolest guy of the other bunch of boring twits, He always makes time for his students, how? we don’t know, but he manages it.


The Punny One:

There is always one teacher who is mad into saying puns, I don’t know about you but the only reason you would show up to their classes is for the ‘lol’s, because it sure as hell isn’t to do work. but be warned, when he runs out of puns…..and he will, you will realize how much a boring old fart they are.


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